Hello I’m Chris….
Over 10,000 client hours
Founder of Aroha Leadership, Peak Performance Leadership Coach and Relationship Mentor.
I’m a business owner and partner in business and life with Grant for over 40 years. I know from experience the highs and lows of juggling business, relationships, health and happiness. One minute you’re on top of the world, and the next you can be gripped by anxiety, fear and frustration. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Even though I have an awesome family, I carry the scars of early teen trauma and along with this, a fear that I’m not ok. For years I managed this the best way I knew how; hard work and avoidance, but undealt with, it sapped my potential.
Over almost 20 years, as a relationship mentor, peak performance leadership and life coach, I’ve discovered how to turn this around; being at peace with myself, my partner, work and all of my life ALL of the time, not just some of the time.
To get to where I am today, I’ve completed qualifications and training in facilitation, coaching, education, counselling, science, and have professional membership of NZAC. It took me years. I can help you fast-track your journey.
And as I shine as my best authentic self, my vision is to inspire you to do the same. Whether your challenge is your relationships, team performance, workplace conflict, marriage or mental health; applying a collaborative win-win relational approach, alongside some simple, proven leadership tools & practices, together we can create positive lasting change that will transform all areas of your business and life.
I’ve also been fortunate to have wonderful mentors in my life, as well as an incredibly supportive partner and family.
Having just one person who helps you believe in something greater and see your full potential can make an unimagineable difference in your world.
If you’re curious about how YOU can BE a LEADER who is 100% satisfied with all areas of your business, relationships and life (even if this has eluded you for years) then please email me at: christine@arohaleadership.com
I’l love to hear from you and look forward to helping you achieve your dreams!